Defend Your Drains North Texas

Defend Your Drains North Texas

This website informs the public on why certain items do not belong in either the sink or toilet drain.
Wipes, cleaning cloths, paper towels, feminine hygiene products, and personal care items—these common household items don't break down in the sewer pipes of your home or on the way to the wastewater treatment plant. So what happens when you flush them down the toilet or drain? Since they don't break down, they can tangle and clump together. This can clog pipes and cause sewage to back up into your home or neighborhood. Even items labeled "flushable" can clog sewer pipes. Defend your drains by disposing of these products in the trash (where they belong) before they cause unpleasant and expensive problems. This website, managed by the Wastewater and Treatment Education Roundtable committee at NCTCOG, informs the public on why they should defend their drains and keep their pipes clear of blockages.
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