About Conserve North Texas


North Texas is growing, with an expected population of 10.7 million people by 2040.  This represents an increase of 3 million new residents over the next 20 years.  More residents means more homes and an increased need for water, energy, and transportation infrastructure.

The extreme growth in North Texas makes reducing energy and water consumption and improving transportation efficiency critical to ensuring that these increased demands can be met by existing infrastructure. Building new infrastructure, whether water reservoirs or electric generating plants, is expensive, time consuming, and potentially disruptive.  However, if everyone can be a little more conscientious about how they use water, energy, and fuel, North Texas can continue providing a high quality of life for all residents!


Conserve North Texas is a regional clearinghouse of resources, tools, and case studies related to water, energy, and transportation efficiency topics.  These resources are probably most relevant to local governments and other public sector institutions; however, it is hoped that other users, whether general public or private industry, will also find these resources valuable.

You may browse the resource clearinghouse by Topic Area, Audience, or Resource Type.

Major Site Areas (Links at Top of Page), include About, Topics, Regional Goals, Indicators, and Case Studies. A description of each of these areas is included below to aid in navigation:

Popular Content, or those topics most frequently searched, have links to the right side of your screen.

Tags, near the lower right portion of your screen, are indicative of those topical search words used most frequently on the site.  The larger the word, the more frequently the word was searched.


Conserve North Texas is a collaboration between the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Transportation Department and NCTCOG Environment and Development Department.

Transportation Department
NCTCOG's Transportation Department and Regional Transportation Council serve as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Dallas-Fort Worth area, which involves a collaborative structure of stakeholders and committees that coordinate to address the region's complex transportation needs. Transportation staff offer transportation-related expertise to the Regional Transportation Council and technical committees.

Environment and Development Department
NCTCOG's Environment and Development Department supports multiple programs, committees, and outreach initiatives for important regional issues: Regional Materials Management, Water Quality and Watershed Protection, Stormwater Management, Flood Plain Management, Community Development, Public Works, Regional Building Codes, Development Excellence, and Grease Abatement.