Mobility 2040: Metropolitan Transportation Plan
Mobility 2040: Metropolitan Transportation Plan
Mobility 2040 is the long-term transportation plan for North Texas, outlining improvements for road, transit, bicycle and pedestrian transportation.
As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Dallas-Fort Worth area, NCTCOG is required to maintain a long-term transportation plan that defines a vision for the region’s multimodal transportation system and guides expenditures of state and federal transportation funds over the next 20 plus years. NCTCOG coordinates with cities, counties, and transportation partners to identify transportation solutions for the region's residents. Providing a variety of transportation options now and into the future is essential to creating a high quality of life in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and supports regional conservation goals through a variety of environmental, development, and air quality-related policies. Mobility 2040 is the product of a comprehensive, cooperative, and continuous planning effort; it was adopted by the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) in March 2016.
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