Source: https://www.plano.gov/1401/Green-Business-Certification
The City of Plano's Green Business Certification (GBC) program recognizes businesses working towards sustainability in the areas of general education, waste reduction, energy efficiency, water efficiency, pollution prevention, and sustainable purchasing. Small to medium-sized Plano businesses classified as offices, retail outlets, restaurants, grocery stores and multi-family communities are currently eligible to apply. Potential benefits of certification include monetary savings, positive environmental impacts, and recognition of efforts. The Green Business Certification can be sought by owned or leased properties.
Plano, Texas
Year Implemented
Program Details
Implementation Process
- Extensive research of similar programs run by other municipalities.
- Conversations with other businesses before finalizing certification checklists.
- Continual review of the program.
Motivation for Implementing Program
The program was developed by the City to recognize green businesses. It is managed by the City’s Commercial Recycling Division.
- Cost for Certification (valid for two years)
- Less than 25 employees: $200.
- Twenty-five or more employees: $350.
- The City reinvests the certification funds into advertising certified green businesses and the GBC program.
Short and Long-Term Benefits
- Businesses can make customers aware of their green efforts.
- Residents know that the City values green efforts.
Project Outcomes
The GBCs love the program and report great value in it, including:
- A Green Business Certification decal to display prominently at their business.
- Permission to display this logo on the company website and in their advertisements or stationery.
- A listing on the City’s Green Business Certification website under their business category.
- Opportunity to be highlighted on the City's website.
- Potential additional exposure to other marketing avenues, i.e., Plano Economic Development Board, Plano Chamber of Commerce, Plano Profile, SNAP-e News, the City of Plano’s residential newsletters, Live Green in Plano Volunteer Newsletter.
Lessons Learned
Many businesses do not promote their green efforts enough! They may be acting as excellent environmental stewards but not making the community aware of their efforts.
- 32 Green Certified Businesses (most are members of the Plano Chamber of Commerce).