Source: http://www.ci.frisco.tx.us/320/Community-Captain-Program
The Community Captain Program is a grassroots volunteer network helping to spread the message about water conservation and the protection of community water supplies. The program recruits WaterWise Community Captains for every neighborhood in Frisco; Captains are then responsible for sharing water efficiency information with neighbors. The program provides Community Captains with resources such as tips, giveaways, trainings, and workshops to assist in their efforts.
Frisco, Texas
Year Implemented
Program Details
Implementation Process
The initial process was to develop a workbook for Community Captains to implement water conservation strategies in their neighborhood and educate volunteers about community water supplies.
Motivation for Implementing Program
The program strives to improve communication about water conservation and water quality issues.
No additional costs were budgeted for the program. Most of the materials were designed and printed in-house.
Return on Investment
Community Captain ambassadors have returned year after year to participate in the program. The City educates Community Captains with information about community water supplies, issues concerning area lakes and future water supply initiatives, and relevant city and state policies. The Community Captains, in turn, communicate this information at a more personal level to their neighbors via the website, Nextdoor, Facebook, Twitter, and face-to-face methods are utilized.
Short and Long-Term Benefits
- The opportunity to partner with a Community Captain's HOA for a presentation and/or outreach event.
- Opportunities to collaborate with local nonprofits such as Boy Scouts of America and participate in educational outreach to children.
- Sharing knowledge, strengthening relations with HOAs, and gaining more contacts within neighborhoods.
Project Outcomes
Community Captains have been pro-active in organizing watershed protection projects and water conservation projects in their neighborhoods. They have organized water conservation fairs, set-up outreach tables at the local pool, created welcome baskets for new neighbors, and handed out water-savings tools such as moisture meters to neighbors who have a tendency to over water their lawns and landscapes.
Lessons Learned
Community Captains require a high degree of communication. In 2014, the City developed a monthly Community Captain newsletter. In addition, Frisco began offering a mid-year gathering to share information. The more contact the City has with Community Captains, the greater their participation and idea generation for future projects.
- 12 Community Captains in 2013.
- 40 Community Captains in 2016.
Other Sustainable Efforts
Smart Controller Program
The Community Captain Program is run by the City of Frisco's Public Works Department.