NCTCOG Whitepaper: North Central Texas Biogas Assessment
The North Central Texas Biogas Assessment provides a view of the existing status of biogas production in the North Central Texas (NCT) region. The Assessment includes an inventory of current biogas projects, including landfill methane capture and biogas production from wastewater treatment plants. The Assessment provided a foundation to build upon to inform the future feasibility of production of renewable natural gas (RNG) from other sources of supply, including but not limited to food waste, and other organics. In addition, the development of additional landfill methane capture and anaerobic digestion programs in the region were evaluated. Evaluating future opportunities for creating additional renewable gas (RNG) generation from new methane capture projects and exploring regional concepts for collecting organic materials as feedstock for increased production of renewable natural gas (RNG) as vehicle fuel are important elements touched upon for consideration as regional strategies to meet regional and local government air quality, renewable energy, landfill capacity, and other sustainability goals.
The intended audience for this Assessment and regional recommendations are NCTCOG’s local government members and other regional partners. Municipal, county, school districts, and other special districts, such as: water and wastewater providers, universities, and community colleges, private sector landfill operators and managers, commercial composting and agricultural entities, food processing and distribution operations, and other partners play an important role in advancing projects that have multi-jurisdictional and multiple impacts.