Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) is one of the largest raw water transmission systems in North Central Texas, serving 11 counties and providing water to more than 2.1 million people. TRWD has more than 100 facilities, ranging from large office buildings and reservoir spillways to guard lights. As a large raw water provider, TRWD is a huge energy consumer, annually using between 150,000,000 kWh to 550,000,000 kWh. TRWD’s water transmission system which, consists of pump stations, interconnect valves, balancing reservoirs, pipelines, cathodic protection systems and chemical feed systems, is responsible for consuming 90% of the energy footprint in the service area. As a result, energy management has been an essential part of TRWD’s best practices for many decades. In late 2018, TRWD began formalizing the long-standing best management practices into an energy management program. This case study produced by NCTCOG briefly examines TRWD’s Draft Energy Management Plan, energy management applications and software, and the lessons learned during the Energy Management Plan development process.