City of Allen - WaterSense Excellence Award Winner
The City of Allen has won its first WaterSense Award for Excellence in Education and Outreach. The City collaborated with the local public library to create a drought tolerant demonstration research garden in the library’s courtyard. WaterSense information and water-saving tips were also featured in a library display case throughout the year, and a Fix a Leak Week banner was hung at City Hall in 2018. City of Allen’s local library features a water-smart, sustainable landscape design in its courtyard. To help Allen residents learn how to landscape and save water, the City conducted a series of six landscape best management practices seminars, which had 618 attendees. To expand its reach in the community, the City of Allen created a block leader program, where residents who “adopted” their block would hand out WaterSense information and customized door hangers to educate their neighbors on water efficiency. In 2018, 27 block leaders reached 1,118 homes!