Tips to Achieve SolSmart Designation

Tips to Achieve SolSmart Designation in North Texas Webinar
The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) encourages local governments to support solar energy projects within their communities as a strategy to mitigate the load on conventional power plants and increase grid resiliency. One way to support solar is to become designated as a SolSmart community.  SolSmart is a national designation program recognizing communities supporting solar growth and helping to reduce the barriers to solar adoption.

This webinar covered the SolSmart designation process and implementation strategies to obtain points towards designation, including the adoption of solar-ready code provisions and the SolarAPP+ tool.

Lori Clark - North Central Texas Council of Governments 
Dave Golembeski - Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC)/SolSmart
Steve Pope - SolarAPP+
Wayne Snell - City of Irving

Workshop Presentations:
No-Cost Technical Assistance from SECO:
There are two different options, both of which are available on this webpage: Local Government Energy Program (
  1. Request a Preliminary Energy Assessment – generally this is the best starting place for entities looking to assess facilities and identify cost-effective improvements.
  2. Request Technical Assistance – this is for a technical issue related to either energy or water consumption. 
Go to  -> Resources -> Best Management Practices and Training for information on permitting, inspection, planning, and zoning.
Regional Codes Coordinating Committee Support Statement: Solar Ready Provisions:
If your city is interested in adopting the Solar-Ready Provisions of the IRC and IBC, go to -> Regional Codes Coordinating Committee Support Statement: Solar Ready Provisions.