Date: May 23, 2019
Audience: This workshop is appropriate for energy managers, facility managers, personnel that manage electric contracts, and/or collect or report energy and water usage data.
Public entities in North Central Texas spend large portions of their budgets on power for city facilities and services. The power generation needs associated with this energy use also impacts air quality at a regional level. Good management of these assets is critical to finding opportunities to reduce energy and water expenses, as well as associated air quality impacts. In addition to it making good financial sense, many local governments are required by state statute to report energy consumption to the Texas State Energy Conservation Office annually. Benchmarking and energy reporting tools can streamline efforts for filing this report. This workshop will provide information for local governments on the following topics:
- Senate Bill 898 reporting requirements for cities, counties, state agencies, and institutes of higher education
- Benchmarking and the value of understanding your facilities’ energy and water use
- Energy Star Building Portfolio Manager - a free online tool to use in your energy management program
- Free energy audits and other resources offered by the Texas State Energy Conservation Office
Trainers: Saleem Khan, P.E. - President, TEESI Engineering
Chris Pettit, M.S. - Staff Engineer, TEESI Engineering
Workshop Presentations
Workshop Flyers & Handouts: